Review on Deutschlandfunk

Marc Bouchkov als Solist entlockt seinem Instrument eine solche Süße, eine solche Zartheit in der Intensität, dass man es kaum glauben kann. 

(“As the soloist Marc Bouchkov elicits an unbelievable sweetness and a tenderness in the intensity from his instrument.”)

Wiebke Hüster,

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Bouchkov played with technical flawlessness and at the same time great empathy. His power and high precision were endless in the diverse requirements of the composition. It is precisely the endlessly meandering final movement that demands all the technical skill from...

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Eccezionale interpretazione di Marc Bouchkov

L’Orchestra della Svizzera italiana è tornata giovedì scorso al LAC diretta da Michele Mariotti e con Marc Bouchkov solista di violino, nel Primo Concerto per violino (1916-17) di Sergej Prokof’ev (1891-1953) e nella Prima Sinfonia (1876) di Johannes Brahms […] Il...

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